
Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI)

Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) is a treatment used to prevent or treat narrow angle glaucoma. It uses a laser beam to create a small hole in the iris, which allows drainage of intraocular fluid. 

Laser peripheral iridotomy is generally recommended for patients with narrow angles or those at risk for angle-closure glaucoma. It can reduce eye pressure or prevent acute glaucoma. Laser peripheral iridotomy is often used in conjunction with medication. For patients with narrow angles or acute and chronic angle-closure glaucoma, laser peripheral iridotomy can be done to prevent or manage the condition. It is a simple procedure with rare complications. It is usually done on both eyes and takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes per eye. It does not require a hospital stay.


Laser peripheral iridotomy aims to prevent or treat narrow angle glaucoma.

  1. No special preparation is required for the procedure. The laser peripheral iridotomy can be done immediately after you are examined by their doctor.
  2. You can drink and eat as normal.
  3. The procedure will be thoroughly explained before the procedure.
  4. Wearing jewelry that makes reflection (such as stainless watch, diamond ring, diamond necklace, etc.) is not allowed during the procedure. It is recommended not to bring any jewelry or other valuable objects to the hospital on the procedure day, or please leave all valuables with your accompanying person.

1.   The doctor will examine your eyes for narrow angles.

2.   You will receive drops to contract the pupils, as recommended by the doctor’s treatment plan.

3.   The nurse will assess your pupils and provide instructions.

1.   You will receive anesthetic eye drops (0.5% Tetracaine) and the laser peripheral iridotomy will be performed by a doctor. A technician will help you assume the appropriate position.

2.   While the laser peripheral iridotomy is being performed, it is recommended you do not move your eyes. Focus on the doctor and keep your eyes as still as possible.

3.   During the procedure, the doctor will place a lens on your cornea to direct the laser to the corner of your eye. You may feel some tightness.

4.   The procedure takes approximately 10-20 minutes, depending on the severity of the condition.

1.   After drops are administered to constrict the pupils, less light will enter the eye. You will experience blurry vision for 6-9 hours, after which your vision will seem sharper than normal. Your vision should return to normal within 24 hours.

2.   You may feel some tightness in your eyes. You may take the prescribed pain medication to alleviate discomfort as needed.

3.   Some patients may experience a little nausea after the procedure.

4.   Please avoid rubbing your eyes for at least 2 days.

5.   Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for at least 7 days.

6.   You can wash your face normally and return to your normal activities.

7.   You may need to continue using eye drops as recommended by the doctor. Please follow your doctor’s instructions closely.

8.   Avoid driving and using eyes for a long time.

Your doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment to assess the results of the treatment as appropriate.

1.   Loss of vision

2.   Severe eye pain or persistent eye pain even after taking medication

3.   Nausea, vomiting, or severe coughing

There are no travel restrictions.

The likelihood of success depends on many factors including:

1.   The duration of the symptom

2.   The thickness of the pupil

3.   The severity of the symptom

The ophthalmologist will assess the symptom after the examination your eye conditions.

What if this procedure is not performed?

There will be a risk of acute glaucoma.

Cataract surgery may be done if the lens is blurry due to cataracts. Alternative treatment depends on your condition and your doctor’s decision.

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