
Colorectal Cancer — A Silent Disease with Inherited Risks

March 14, 2024
Colorectal cancer ranks among the most common cancers worldwide, with a significant number of diagnoses annually. While many cases stem from environmental factors and personal lifestyles, approximately 5-10% of patients inherit the disease genetically.
Genetic testing unveils inherited abnormalities or mutations, identifying around 10 diseases predisposing individuals to colorectal cancer, including Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.

Who should undergo colorectal cancer genetic testing?

  • Individuals under 50 with colon or rectal cancer
  • Those under 50 with endometrial cancer
  • Individuals with cancer in multiple organs or bilateral cancer
  • Those with a family history of early-onset colorectal cancer or multiple affected relatives
  • Those with a family history of Lynch syndrome-associated cancers
  • Those diagnosed with over 10 intestinal polyps or with a family history of such
  • Individuals over 18 seeking to assess their genetic risk

Why undergo colorectal cancer genetic testing? 

Genetic testing aids prevention and treatment precision, enhancing survival chances:
  • Identifying inherited abnormalities allows proactive disease prevention planning and enables relatives to assess their own risks.
  • Detection of abnormal genes informs tailored treatment strategies, such as precision medicine, minimizing side effects.

How to reduce colorectal cancer risk:

  • Consult a medical geneticist for risk assessment and prevention planning if there's a family history of colon cancer or numerous intestinal polyps.
  • Seek a gastroenterologist specializing in hereditary colorectal cancer if inherited abnormalities are identified.
  • Begin colonoscopies at 45, following medical advice. Those with family history or genetic predisposition may need earlier screenings.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol.

Why choose Bumrungrad for genetic testing?

 The Preventive Genomics and Integrative Medicine Center offers comprehensive expertise, with specialists in medical genetics, oncology, and gastroenterology collaborating to provide personalized advice and treatment.

Preventive Genomics and Integrative Medicine Center
Tel: 02-011-4890, 02-011-4891 (8:00-18:00)

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